📚 💗🧬💰Brand Messaging
Storytelling is how our brains associate loyalty with a brand. And it is with the senses that we can tell a rich and memorable story.
🐇📚🗣️✨💗🧬💰🌐How The Metaverse Is Changing the Way People Attend Church
An interesting perspective of a Metaverse usage. This is definitely unique.
🐇🗣️✨ 💗🧬💰SANAS Startup Creates American Voice
This could be seen as a very bias and potentially racist mission for a company…and yet I can also see the use. Thoughts?
📚🗣️💗🧬💰The Difference Between Brand Equity and Brand Value
A really great read on understanding brand equity and brand value. If people don’t like it, people won’t buy it. So what are we doing to create a brand and a product that people like?
🗣️✨ 💗💰Panera Tests New AI Tech For Drive Thru Lanes
I can’t help but think that QSR drive thrus are not the best place to use voice AI. It feels like it will take away jobs from those that truly need it. I know we all complain about how we can’t understand the person behind the microphone but perhaps that means we need better speaker systems instead…..? Would love to know your thoughts on this one.
✨ 💗💰🌐Patients Virtual Reality Surgery Anesthetic
Distraction in pain 100% helps. It’s the only way I can trim my kids nails! I wonder what specific VR programming they gave their test group. Was sound involved? I’m guessing yes.
📚💗🧬💰Harness the Power of Sound to Improve Mental Health and Well Being
A colorful pallet of sonic insight from SXMMedia‘s Steve Keller.
🗣️✨ 💗🧬💰Ready Or Not, TikTok Users Are Coming For Your Sounds
Some great visuals/hearables from Sixieme Son and Colleen Fahey on the beauty and effectiveness of designing purposeful sound.
💗🧬💰North America Announces New Senior Creative Hires
Congratulations to Massive Music and their new hires.
🐇📚 💗🧬💰How Brands Win With Emotional Intelligence and Sound
“People think what they see and feel what they hear.” What a beautifully put sentence. What a wonderful use of multi sensory imagery.
✨💗🧬💰🌐5 Brands Harnessing Sensory Marketing in Person Experiential
Some fascinating examples of sensory mMarketing brand experiences.
🐇📚🗣️✨💗🧬💰🌐The Metaverse: Is Nowhere Going Somewhere?
I found this writers depiction of his Metaverse experience really interesting. His comment that he’d rather a 2D experience than a 3D avatar was kind of refreshing.