🐇📚✨💗🧬💰Here’s How Microsoft Could Use ChatGPT
Finally starting to see some clear cut usages for the now rock star ChatGPT.
🐇📚✨💗🧬💰🌐Metaverse Ready NFTS From the Creator of Cryptopunks
Learning a little bit about NFT this morning. I gotta say though, this description of NFT Collectibles sounds like they are trying to recreate the beanie baby craze?
🗣️✨💗🧬💰ACast Further Automates Podcast Ad Buying
Although I believe other companies like Pandora have a $250 min spend as well, it’s nice to see that others are catching on.
🐇📚🗣️✨💗🧬💰🌐How the Metaverse Can Change the Economics of Museums
So fascinating how a global pandemic re-shaped the trajectory of AI and VR. Now people have the opportunity to experience museums that they would never have been able to financially in a different world. At least that’s the way I see it.
📚💗🧬💰SiriuSXM Audio Alchemist Steve Keller
Always great words from Steve Keller on sound science and audio alchemy.
📚💗🧬💰Five Minutes With Paul Sumpter
The bigger goal (of sound) should be to “enrich and develop a relationship with the end user.” Wonderfully put.
🐇📚Daily Gene Expression; Rhythms Vary With Sex and Age Study
Fascinating read on circadian rhythm and how it differs between men and women.
🗣️✨💗🧬💰Alexa May Answer Your Questions With Ads Soon
As voice is an enhancement in marketing, maybe voice ads are more awareness and funnel building than the actual purchase stage.
🐇📚🗣️✨💗🧬💰🌐5 Principles Needed To Humanize Metaverse Experiences
The Metaverse is detail close up. Attention to details like what that experience sounds like…matters!
💗🧬💰Tostitos Is Tapping Into Audio To Build Its Brand
Sound is particularly effective within the GenZ age group as they are the most “digitally connected generation and have the shortest attention spans”.