Follow Editor and Chief Jeanna Isham at Dreamr Productions official blog for her most up to date thought provoking insights on the current industry and what is to come. To join her testing ground pieces, follow her on Medium.
📚🐇✨💗💰 Stanford, Brilliant Labs Create ChatGPT Smart Glasses
Is it a good thing that these glasses can tell you how to interact conversationally with another human being? Perhaps if the other human being is using the same AI?
🗣️💗💰🧬 Brands Are Failing to Connect With GenZ Through Sonic Branding
At first read I thought, “oh no!”. But then I went deeper and realized I’m still right. The market is still GenZ but brands aren’t reaching them in the right places! Fascinating information I’ll be bookmarking for later!
✨💗💰🧬 Beauty Post Pandemic Focusing on Sensory Innovations
As a non-beauty gal I LOVE hearing about this transformation and how “sensory smart” they are becoming. A very interesting read on the progression of beauty products post COVID and beyond.
📚💗💰🧬 Your Brain on Sound
The call, as I predicted, is for an explanation of sonic branding and how it applies to branding. Have questions? I’d love to help.
📚🐇✨💗💰🌐 Could AI Be the Future For Advertisers
Instead of being afraid of how AI will intercede in things like sonic branding, perhaps we embrace it so that it DOESN’T take over. It’s going to happen, so let’s take advantage of it, learn from it, and create boundaries and standards.
🐇✨🗣️💗💰🧬 AI Drake Fake Disrupts the Music Industry
It really is anyone’s guess where this deep fake will lead AI in the future. But that’s exactly why we should be paying attention.
✨🗣️💗💰🧬 How Audio Advertising Became A Blindspot For U.S. Brands
“A smoother path to purchase”. What a perfect way to describe the importance of sound in marketing. Invest in sonic strategy and increase your positive customer experience among other things.
💗💰🧬 How Sonic Branding Can Drive Growth For MENA Brands
Sonic branding creates a “coherent, consistent and own-able ecosystem that goes everywhere your brand lives in sound.” Sound in marketing is so much more than just about picking “something that sounds cool.”