📚 💗 🧬💰 You’re Not Tone Deaf and You Know More About Music Than You Think
This explains why some Happy Birthday’s I peak out in range and others I just can’t find the notes. Well written article about how we respond to patterns in tone.
🐇 📚 ✨ 💗 🧬💰🌐 How the Metaverse Will Change the Way We Interact With Brands
Metaverse is something that is developing in real time, not some sci fi way in the future thing. Brands are already making use of the ideas and innovations of Web3 . Where does your brand land?
🐇 📚 If Fish Could Cry, Would We Change Our Moral Framework?
This is a bizarre one. I acknowledge that. But what if fish could cry?
💗 🧬💰 Cannabis Brand Taps Into Houseplant Trend For Grow Your Own 4/20 Stunt
The world of cannabis is getting into the sonic branding space.
📚 💗 🧬💰 Much Ado About a Pronoun; KFC’s New Slogan
Words matter. What do you think this slight tweak in verbage will do for KFC? Nothing? Everything? What are your thoughts?
🐇 ✨ 💗 🧬💰 Dove’s Disturbing Deepfakes Expose Social Media’s Toxic Influence
Dove did it again. Using deepfake they showed how engrained and normalized bad advice and false information is into all of our social media algorithms.
✨ 💗 🧬💰🌐 4 Ways Banks Are Experimenting in the Metaverse
As is everyone, the banking industry is learning how to participate in the Metaverse. Check out some interesting ways in which they are doing that.
🐇 📚💗 🧬💰 The Perseverance of Audio
Long read but a good one. Takeaway: It’s not about finding an audience through audio, it’s about capitalizing on the audience that brands already have.
💗 🧬💰 Why Your Marketing Strategies Are Missing a Beat Without Audio
Some great points made in this. Specifically about internal podcasts for brands. Very effective and way less costly to get your point across through audio.
🐇 📚💗 🧬💰Accessibility Opportunity; Multi Sensory Delight
This is a huge issue that we hardly talk about. Yes, sound can be profitable but also (most importantly) it can bring your story to those who may not be able to receive it as well or at all without a sound option. When 15% of the world experience some form of disability, the method of communication must be taken to heart.
🐇 📚💗 🧬💰Channeling the Sound Of Travel
A fascinating read on why insurance and finance have come so much further in sound in marketing than the travel industry. I think they might be spot on! Personally I’d love to see way more sensory marketing done on the side of airlines and cruises and other forms of travel.
✨ 💗 🧬💰🌐 Brand Building On the Metaverse
Just like in sonic branding, the Metaverse does not have to be geared towards big brand alone. Be creative, innovate, and experiment. You can succeed.
🐇 📚💗 🧬💰 Music and Memory
A fun podcast episode from Beatseeker about music and how it gets stuck in our head with Dr. Kelly Jakubowski.
🐇 📚💗 🧬💰Fish Are Chattier Than Previously Thought
Another rabbit hole or maybe a fish run? I love hearing about how fish create sound for functionality. So fascinating to hear even Aristotle was talking about it!
🐇 📚 ✨ 💗 🧬💰🌐 Consistent Sonic Branding Strategies For 2022
As social audio grows (and it will), a brand’s consistent messaging through a well thought out sound strategy is key.
✨ 💗 🧬💰 Are Jingles Ready To Make a Comeback
Is the jingle ready for a comeback? Or (more likely), is it being reimagined for a new generation. According to Veritonic and their Audio Logo Index, these jingles or sonic logos are a big hit!
✨ 💗 🧬💰 What Does Music Mean to the Marketer?
I loved the part on musical authenticity and the fact that one sonic logo isn’t enough. Would you only develop one visual logo? Or would you create different colors and different sizes. Logos with just the visual representation and ones with the name of the company spelled out? With your logo, you’d design fonts that work and don’t work and margins to stick with. There is so much to sonic branding. It is not one single asset and then move on.
💗 🧬💰 Hershey’s Teams Up With Pandora For New Spin on Smores
Really hoping We Are The Champions is on this playlist.
🐇✨ 💗 🧬💰Cheez It; Aged By Audio
I for one need a box of these! What a fun and unique project to age cheese with music!