🐇📚🗣️✨💗🧬💰🌐Digital Experience: What Will Web3 Really Be About Part 1
Great article on how we got to the concept of Web3.
🐇📚🗣️✨💗🧬💰🌐Web3.0: The Ultimate Separation of Money and State
A very interesting comparison between Wikipedia and Web3.
✨💗🧬💰Sensory Marketing: How Sound Enhances the Customer’s Eating Experience
I don’t know about you but this is making me hungry. Talk about a fun sensory experience.
✨💗🧬💰Tostitos: Sonic Branding Advertising Tone
“More than a crunch”. That’s an excellent way to start out a conversation on sonic branding. Great article and again well done to Tostitos for their sonic logo and sound branding.
🐇📚✨💗🧬💰🌐Taylor Swift Fandom True Metaverse
A total clickbait title that panned out to a thought provoking look at the Metaverse. I agree. The Metaverse isn’t necessarily about the tech, it’s about the community and people themselves. How are they being included and how are they interacting. Thoughts?
✨💗🧬💰Overhaul Your Sonic Branding
This article is a bit redundant with the others but the squeaky wheel gets your attention. All still relevant. Takeaway: sonic branding can’t be rushed but can’t be overlooked.
🗣️✨💗💰Restaurant Owners Are Turning to AI to Lighten the Load
In times of need, AI is a friend indeed.
🐇🗣️✨💗💰🌐Mark Zuckerberg Metaverse Interview
We spoke on this a little bit on a Clubhouse chat a few weeks ago on the differentiating opinions on what the Metaverse is or will be. Zuckerberg obviously sees it as one thing. Thoughts?
📚🗣️💗🧬💰What Does Audio Mean to Marketers
“Digital audio advertising revenue grew by 58% to $4.9b in 2021”. Something to consider when allocating your marketing spend.
💗🧬💰The Power of Sonic Branding
A great webinar discussion from some friends in Australia.
🐇💗🧬💰Sixieme Son Tackle Inflation With Music
Curb spending by altering your music selections.
💗🧬💰Music Should Never Be An Afterthought
Music is not and should not be an afterthought. Here the pros echo just that!