✨ 💗 🧬💰🌐 The Sound of the Metaverse; An Audio Opportunity
The Metaverse allows us not only to augment our visual reality but also augment and adapt what we hear and the sounds we make. That’s an incredible thought once you wrap your mind around it.
🐇💗 🧬💰Sounds and Smells Vital to Cities As Sights
I hadn’t really thought about how sound perception could help define a geographical location (i.e. quieter neighborhoods are more sought after over noisy ones.) Using sound in architecture planning is fascinating.
🐇 ✨ 💗 🧬💰🌐Epic Lego Metaverse Partnership
If you don’t think sound matters in a kid and family friendly Metaverse you are crazy. Sound matters.
💗 🧬💰 Sonic Branding is the Next Marketing Disruptor
I love how Raja puts it. Our online interactions and connections have become far more diverse and complex. In order to truly relate, an understanding of sensory marketing is not a new unique thought, it’s an absolute necessity.
💗 🧬💰Sonic Sound Mastercard Melody
This is absolutely brilliant. Using the sonic logo and sound DNA to create an album of original and on brand tracks to appeal and connect to the brand persona. Well done again Mastercard.
✨ 💗 🧬💰Skullcandy Plus Doritos
I guess this is combining taste and sound marketing? Not sure if I’d want Dorito earbuds but I applaud the effort.
✨ 💗 🧬💰SoundOut Announces the US’s Most Effective Sonic Logos of 2022
I honestly didn’t even realize Arby’s had a sonic logo let alone that it was number 1! And Goldfish “the snack that smiles back” is a bit creepy don’t you think?
✨ 💗 🧬💰🌐 Gen Z Set to Lead Retailers Into the Metaverse
From all my research GenZ and Alpha are the big spenders these days. If they are already spending billions in the Metaverse and are ASKING for virtual stores then we need to be aware of how they interact within that space. 2 words. Multi Sensory.
🗣️ 📚 ✨ 💗 🧬💰AI Web Accessibility
Care needs to be taken with the idea of “accessibility”. Not all automation is helpful to all people.
💗 🧬🌐Logitech Song Breaker Awards Metaverse Lizzo Roblox
I wonder if music awards shows are more interesting in the Metaverse? Current shows have gotten pretty dry. Perhaps a bit of immersive experience is all they need to jumpstart things?
💗 🧬💰Why it Made Sense for Leela to Get Sensory Branding
Imagine if Leela introduced a signature sound to go along with their new signature scent? Obviously, I’m onboard.
📚✨ 💗🧬💰West Point Teaches Music and Sound Influence in Politics
I had no idea about the long distance hack! Fascinating take on music and the military. #SoundScience #SonicBranding #MilitaryMusic
🗣️ ✨ 💗 🧬💰The State of Custom Assistants in 2022
A good list of what is happening in 2022 with voice first technology.