127: Ocean Spray, TikTok, and Fleetwood Mac

In Episode 127 of the Sound In Marketing podcast, I talk about TikTok’s 2020 viral Ocean Spray video about a juice-drinking, long-board riding, tunes-groovin’ dude whose truck broke down. You can find the original article that the episode inspired here.

Thank you to Nathan Apocada for supplying such a great story and to Artlist for its lovely selection of background music that was used throughout this episode.

As promised, here are links to all things referenced:

Ocean Spray’s Viral Video article- https://www.digitalshelfinstitute.org/blog/ocean-spray-viral-tiktok#

Fleetwood Mac tripled sales article- https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/music/story/2020-10-01/tiktok-star-triples-sales-of-fleetwood-mac-dreams

TikTok parody 1- https://www.tiktok.com/@kjp/video/6879099764047236357

TikTok parody 2- https://www.tiktok.com/@adamraycomedy/video/6883339046320442629

TikTok parody 3- 


Sacramento River Fun Fact- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacramento_River#History 

If your company is ready to explore sound in its marketing, Dreamr Productions would love to help. We produce branded podcasts, sonic logos, and strategize branded sound plans. Send us a message at Dreamr Productions or connect with me on Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook.

Lastly, the Sound In Marketing podcast can be found here and on all the usual podcast players. Spread the word and tell your friends.

The Sound In Marketing podcast is produced by Dreamr Productions and hosted, written, and edited by me, Jeanna Isham.

Let’s make this world of sound more intriguing, more unique, and more and more on brand.