5: Episode 5- Passive Advertising In Sound

In this day and age no one wants to be sold to. They want to make up their own mind without being pressured. I was listening to a podcast the other day called Brand Builder where Dave Gerhardt VP of Marketing at Drift shares some huge knowledge bombs. He said that according to Harvard Business Review 75% of B2B gather all of their information before even going to your website. That’s pretty phenomenal if you think about it.

Information is free. It’s everywhere. Case in point with this podcast. The power lies in the consumer not the company. The consumer makes up their mind who they want to do business with, buy from, partner with. They do all this on their own thanks to the information superhighway. They don’t even have to ask a person necessarily a question. We’ve got bots for that now.

The world of marketing is changing.

We have to think differently at how we market to our audience. We can’t just sell at them anymore; we have to draw them in, in a new way; a more subtle way. This is how we stack the deck to get people paying attention to us.

My challenge for you this episode is to record your brand. What emotions or actions does your brand evoke? For example, say you are a motivational speaker? Try recording motivational music that speaks to you, sounds of footsteps going up to the podium, clapping, room noise. Listen to this over and over again until actual explainer words come to mind like “leadership”, “optimistic”, “passionate”…things like that. From there, start a mood board. Find actual images that represent those sounds as well as words. I believe that after taking an actual moment to sit in this, you’ll have a clearer idea of what your sound should be. Even if it’s not melodic, because sonic branding is not just melodic (remember the Aflac duck?), you’ll at least be able to rule out what does not sound like your brand. That in itself is a huge step.

Here’s a link to a palm-size voice recorder I found on Amazon https://amzn.to/2Ks1keB. It’s easy to carry around and easy to upload audio to another source when you’re ready to fit all the pieces together. I haven’t used this yet but it was an Amazon Choice product and a pretty good deal. It’s also something that I’ve been shopping for a potential client so if you do get it, I’d love to hear what you think.

Then when you’re ready, come to me. I’d love to help! And anyone like me, if you come to them with all this forethought, creating your sound will be that much smoother of a process and potentially a lot faster. And the best part, this will truly be of your brand. Remember, us sonic branders can only go as far as you let us in. If you have done no due diligence on what you truly want before we start designing, then the sound will be more our creation than yours. Sometimes that’s what someone wants, but I’d rather it come from your heart not mine.

I want this podcast to give you the information you need to create a successful sonic brand identity. As you join me on this journey, I hope that you’ll reach out and tell me what you find interesting, things you’d love for me to expand upon, things that flat out confuse you or you have no idea how to even begin comprehending. This voice accessible world is new to a lot of us and it’s outlets are growing each and every day. It’s new and ever changing. That’s why I’m here. To help bridge that gap between traditional marketing and this whole new way of thinking.

I hope you enjoyed this episode. Don’t forget to subscribe, follow, add to your library, and share with a friend. Have you read an interesting article lately, do you have any questions, do you have a really off ball event that you heard about that you want to send my way? Please share! You can find me at www.dreamrproductions.com, Linkedin, FaceBook or you can email me at [email protected]. I want this podcast to be a collaborative event. I want it to be of benefit to us all so stop by and say hello. Let’s make this world of Sound more intriguing, more unique, and more and more on brand.

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