10: Episode 10- What Does Sound Look Like

When you hear a sound or a song, your mind creates a visual representation.  You hear a car honk, you visualize a car; maybe even a scenario of an angry motorist stuck in traffic honking at the guy in front of him.  You hear a baby cry in a crowd. You may not see the baby but you’re picturing one. You hear a song from your past and it brings you back to a specific time and place.

Your brain processes sound by creating images.  So it only makes sense that sound is visual.  

Sound is more than just pretty music or distracting sounds.  It has helped shape our history and development and continues to do so.  It is the precursor to language. It is powerful. If it has this much hold on us, why shouldn’t we be incorporating it in everything about us.  

You can share an experience with someone who is nothing like you, lives in a completely different place, speaks a completely different language, thinks differently and looks differently.  Even with all of these factors at play, you can still share in and bond over something you have in common; sound.

Sound connects us.  Sound shapes us. Sound is everywhere and in everything.  Even the deaf who can’t audibly hear sound can feel it. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again.  Sound is powerful. So let’s utilize that power and tell our story through a medium that has not yet been fully realized.

Let’s experiment.  Now’s the time to play with this concept.  Look around you. Listen…really listen. What does your world sound like?  And when you discover what it sounds like, share it. I guarantee that someone will be listening.

Don’t forget to subscribe, follow, add to your library, and share with a friend.  And I’d love to hear your thoughts on sound in marketing topics that you’re interested in.  Have you read an interesting article lately, do you have questions, do you have a really off ball event that you heard about that you want to send my way?  Please share! You can find me at www.dreamrproductions.com, Linkedin, FaceBook or you can email me at [email protected]

I want this podcast to be a collaborative event.  I want it to be of benefit to us all so stop by and say hi.  Let’s make this world of Sound more intriguing, more unique, and more and more on brand.

For the full transcribed blog click here.