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April 2021 Articles

🧬   The Value of Sonic Branding Is Going Unheard
An average of 57% higher brand effectiveness when media context is integrated within campaigns. But, “Only 17% of respondents to IAB Australia’s annual survey indicated that they always tailor their creative to suit the specific audio channel.” Crazy.

🧬   Transporting Sound
When you talk about a brand, it is not just what you see, but what you hear and what it feels like. No truer words. Thank you to Massive Music.

🗣️  Top 4 Voice Commerce Trends for 2020
I find #4 the most interesting. With the bar of financial entry so low for voice in marketing, having the local mom and pop utilize this fast increasing trend for their company has massive potential for ROI! Talk about incentive!

🗣️   Clubhouse for Pharma?
The time in now.  Although voice first may not quite be there yet for you….my prediction is that it’s coming soon.  Time to prepare.

🧬 💰  Progressive Marketers Increasingly Hear Their Brands As Well As See Them
Although 2021 has been the year of sonic rebranding, many companies are still silent.  Why?

📚  🧬   Can Ambient Music Make You More Productive?
Programmed music for specific situations. What do you think?

📚 💰  Sound Level of Environmental Listing Music and Drinking Behaviors
Loud music increases alcohol consumption but too high decreases the spend. Fine line. Interesting…

💰   Mastering The New Marketing Mindset 
There’s a lot more marketing touchpoints now then there ever has been before. Are we paying attention?

🧬 🗣️   Against Expectations, Digital Audio Continues to Grow
Excellent article on the shift in perception of audio entertainment.

🧬  💰 The Effect of Musical Style on Restaurant Customer’s Spending
Higher spends with classical music playing…kind of good “food” for thought?

🧬  Pay Attention to Your Sonic Logo in 2021
“brands that use music that is aligned with its identity are 96% more likely to be remembered by the consumer, versus brands that use ‘unfit’ music or no music at all.” nuff said. Thanks MassiveMusic for another great read.