7: Episode 7- Jingle Vs. Sound Identity

Jingles are fun but if they are not relevant to your brand then they won’t serve their original intent; recall.  Without your consumer being able to recall who put that funny or emotional jingle together, then you’ve spent your money on nothing.

With sonic branding, you have the power to create something catchy but also relevant and on brand.  If done right, the consumer will have no problem remembering what brand put that sound together and easily go back to access more information.

I believe that a hybrid of jingles is forming between the jingle of yesteryear and what is now deemed a sonic identity.  It will take the insanely effective jingles of the past, and rework them into more than just a one-off commercial and become the foundation of the brand.

CHALLENGE: What does your brand sound like? Imagine it’s not sound but video.  What does your brand look like? What do those visuals sound like? I encourage you to grab a recorder, here’s a link to a good one, https://amzn.to/2Ks1keB and start recording your world; your brands world.  Is it the rustling of the wind through the trees, is it children laughing, is it the noise of a busy street?  

BOOK SUGGESTION: Seth Godin’s book https://amzn.to/324Tdu7 Purple Cow: Transform Your Business By Being Remarkable is a must read.  It seems simple, but so many of us just ride the coattails of something that’s already been done.  That won’t get us noticed. That just brings more attention and notoriety to the one who did it first. 

This podcast is for you so please let me know if there is anything in particular you’ve been curious about.  Don’t be afraid to be vague or even of talking in incomplete sentences; I get it. It’s new and ever changing.  That’s why I’m here. To help bridge that gap between traditional marketing and this whole new way of thinking.

For more information on me and what I do or what I can do for you, you can find me at www.Dreamrproductions.com, Linkedin, and Facebook.  All of the links will be listed in the show notes. I’d love to help you on your sonic branding journey in any way I can so leave a comment, write a review, send me an email and let’s chat more!  Let’s make this world of Sound more intriguing, more unique, and more and more on brand.

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