120: Sound Is… Ep. 120

Sound is everywhere and in everything. It is how we communicate, relate, and feel. It is one fifth of what makes us human. Why wouldn’t we incorporate sound more strategically into our brand marketing? Learn more at Sound In Marketing Learning. Start designing your sound strategy today with Dreamr Productions

Thank you to Pixabay and Artlist for some great SFX fillers. I also created and slipped in a few of my own. Please note, there are no Stan’s Fans or The Pillow Factory. I made them up for demonstrational purposes.

You can come find me on the socials as well. Linkedin, Medium, Twitter, and Facebook.

For more on sound in marketing, check out Soundinmarketing.com where I house courses, resources and all sorts of sound relevant information. Contact me directly and I’ll hook you up with a discount code.

You can find the Sound In Marketing Podcast on all the major podcast channels like iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Pandora, and Stitcher so don’t forget to share it with your friends, follow, and rate it. 

This episode was produced by Dreamr Productions and hosted, written, and edited by me, Jeanna Isham.

Let’s make this world of sound more intriguing, more unique, and more and more on brand.